Transforming Drywall Debris into a Cleaner Tomorrow

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Responsible and Efficient Drywall/Asbestos Disposal Solutions

Canadian Empire Recycling stands as your trusted partner for drywall disposal services and asbestos disposal in Surrey. Our specialized service goes beyond mere removal; it’s rooted in responsible handling, tailored to the type of drywall involved. Whether it’s brand new drywall with the potential for repurposing or drywall produced before 1990 with the added awareness of asbestos concerns, we execute each step of the process with meticulous attention to safety, stringent compliance with regulations, and unwavering commitment to eco-friendly practices.


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Asbestos material disposal entails locating and evaluating its existence, employing certified asbestos abatement specialists for a secure removal, and following all applicable local and federal laws. When working with little quantities, place the item in airtight containers and identify them properly. Make sure you preserve all records of the asbestos disposal procedure, such as contracts and invoices, while you transport the garbage to a hazardous materials dump that has been permitted. At every stage, put safety and compliance first by having an expert examine the area after removal to make sure there are no asbestos fibers behind.



    Commercial asbestos waste disposal is the safe, controlled management of products that contain asbestos, a dangerous mineral that poses major health concerns. Asbestos waste must be disposed of properly by following local, state, and federal laws, which frequently demand that it be carried to approved disposal locations by licensed waste carriers, tagged appropriately, and stored in leak-proof containers. With the equipment designed expressly to handle asbestos, these facilities make sure that the material is disposed of in a way that reduces the hazards of exposure to the environment and community. It is imperative that companies adhere to these guidelines in order to safeguard public health and meet legal obligations..

    LICENSED SPECIALIST OF ASBESTOS WASTE DISPOSAL  Drywall  Vinyl flooring  Heating ducting tape Vermiculite insulation  Roofing materials  Concrete wall  Roof tiles

    Handling Drywall Produced Before 1990 (ASBESTOS) 

    Drywall produced before 1990 may contain asbestos, a hazardous material. We take stringent precautions to ensure safe disposal:

    • Bagging and Sealing: Asbestos-containing drywall is placed in 6 mil clear certified bags and sealed with a goose neck secured with duct tape.
    • Weight Limit: Each bag is carefully weighed to ensure it does not exceed 15 kg, in compliance with safety regulations.
    • Double Bagging: We double bag the asbestos-containing drywall to provide an extra layer of protection.
    • Safety Regulations: Our process adheres to the rules and regulations set by WorkSafe and other relevant authorities to guarantee the safety of our workers and the environment
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    Contact Us Anytime

    Have questions or ready to get started? Contact us today!

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    Canadian Empire Recycling

    Hours of operation

    Hazardous Waste drop off Hours

    Monday - Sunday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

    All Other Services  

    Monday - Sunday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


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